Welcome to AZ Drone's Online Tutorials. We focus on helping small imaging businesses develop their skills with some of today's latest imaging technology.

Our primary focus is on Drone work for small to medium drone operators. From Drone Imaging for Real Estate to Construction Documentation for builders, the drone services marketplace is growing quickly. We're here to help you start building your drone business.

Often times potential customers will be looking for more than just drone work. So over time we'll be growing our course offerings to include some of the latest imaging tools in order to help you offer your customers the most unique experience you possibly can.

Drone Construction Progression Job - A Full Project - "Great course that provides a logical / sequential look at how to provide customers reliable / consistent deliverables."

Jeremy H

Beginners DJI Ground Station Pro - Autonomous Drone Flight - "If you want to work with DJI GS PRO, this is the study course for you."

Mike R

Litchi Waypoint Missions For Your Drone Business - "Superb tutorial presentation, everything I required to know about the Litchi App. As expected the drone flights are a small segment of the Deliverables / Project value. Thank you Rich Charpentier."

John M

Drone Construction Project

Hi, I’m Rich Charpentier

I've been a small business owner for over a decade, focused on imaging technologies and online presence. Over the course of building my own web design & imaging company I've learned a lot about operating my own small business.

As my business has grown we've been transitioning from a strictly web development perspective to a "drone operations" business. At this point the business is about 50% online communications and 50% Drone work. It's been an interesting transition.

The courses you'll find here are a combination of practical drone flight applications, drone modeling, imaging, video, and more. We'll also talk a good deal about how to deliver your final products to clients, and that's where my online web development skills may have value to you as well.